Community Connect

Connect commercial business to your community.

Similar to indirect lending, you can utilize Teslar’s Community Connect platform to offer financing options to customers through local businesses in a way that is efficient and cost effective for your bank. Grow your loan portfolios, improve your bottom line, enhance your lending strategy, and keep interest rate dollars in your community.

Key Benefits:

Make your most profitable commercial customers more sticky

Provides you and your commercial customers (like your local HVAC, jeweler, farm equipment, powersports dealers) an embedded portal which allows them to use your financial institution instead of having to rely on mega banks for financing.

Quickly spin up a new line of revenue, no added staff needed

Allows a single employee at the institution to handle multiple loans at once. It also makes it easier and quicker for the applicant and business to secure financing, and community institutions can drive new business, reaching new prospects and areas of business.

Keep money and interest income in your community

By partnering with local businesses to offer financing options to customers for larger purchases from small businesses (think a new roof, HVAC or cosmetic surgery), your institution can extend their presence further into the community and drive more loans back to the institution with minimal work on the front end. The local businesses benefit by gaining the ability to quickly and conveniently offer financing and provide quick answers to customers, and the end customer benefits by gaining an easy, convenient way to access financing through a trusted, local institution.

Gain access to a completely new set of customers

Gain new customers on the lending side that could lead to a more in-depth relationship in the future. Also, Teslar provides a streamlined loan platform for lending that is customizable with the institution’s risk management practices. This enables an institution to grow their customer base while providing integrated processes for this line of business.

“Our commitment to excellent customer service means that we must evolve certain processes to better meet modern expectations, including commercial lending. Teslar digitizes commercial lending, providing a simpler, more seamless experience for our customers as well as employees."
Jack Hudgens
VP, Bank of 1889
Download Community Connect One-Pager

Download this one-page document for a quick and simple overview of Teslar’s Community Connect platform.


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Strengthen with More Solutions

Exceptions/Tickler Tracking
Customer Portal
Loan Origination System

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